Thursday, December 16, 2010

Travel by Numbers

Toronto to Tokyo:  6351 miles
Tokyo to Northstar: 6 hr. drive
Movies watched: 2.5  
Hours delayed: 3
# of times being the annoying window seat person: 4
Total hours traveling: 26
Numbers of tears: HA not telling!
Number of vending machines at rest stop in Japan:  46+

AHhh, here at last! After a bit of a rough start with a medical emergency on board our flight, we had to turn around on the run way and were delayed 3 hrs. This was a little confusing as I had fallen asleep during the safety video (oops!) and was expecting to wake up half way to Tokyo.  This was not the case, so I ended up watching a full movie before we even left the ground. Oh well.
After a couple gravol, I was out like a light and slept through most of the flight. We arrived here in the evening and since it was so dark I didn’t get to see much of the sights and sounds during our drive.  Not until we hit the rest stop that is! This is when I had my first real Japanese experience!  It was similar to any other rest stop just way better, brighter and way more bedazzled!  I still can get over the washrooms; first off heated seats, followed by a control panel!  Yes a control panel- flushing sound music, bidet, spray, volume control, water pressure control!  Basically the Rolls Royce of public washrooms and I must say it’s a giant step up from the squatter and poop hose found in other Asian countries.   After that I decided to hit up one of the 50 vending machines for some water, but was distracted by the millions of different flavours of drinks, and the one that was severing a “hot meal.”   

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure what I would do if I encountered a toilet like this one... I feel that I would pee myself because I would take too long figuring out how to use it!

    Cant wait to see more Amanda!
