Saturday, January 22, 2011

Day off Shenanigans

So I’ve been here for about a month now, and have gotten a couple days off here and there to check out a few things.  Some sweet restaurants, uber stylish clothing stores and crazy stores like Doncoyoties that contain everything from wedding rings to groceries, and electrics to butt pillows!
The other day we went to an old traditional Japanese village called Takayama. We got lost in the maze of old shops, went to a Kimono tailor shop (I resists the urge to get one since I still haven’t yet worn my tailor made suit from Thailand), saw the amour from an ancient Samurai, learned traditional saki (rice wine) making techniques and checked out a few snow covered temples. On the way home, we stopped for dinner at a very classy authentic restaurant. Unfortunately we didn’t have anyone Japanese with us and couldn’t read the menu, so were stuck deciding using the 5cm2 pictures and the few numbers that we knew in Japanese to figure out the price. Thinking we all found an affordable and decent looking option; we were all very original and ordered the same thing! And since we were dining at such a nice establishment we decided to get splurge and get a couple bottles of saki!  Finally the meal came out and we realized that we all order kids meals! So there we sat; loads of saki to go with miniaturized meal, bag of chips and Jell-O pudding for dessert! Well done team!

Mike's still hungery! Watch out!  

1 comment:

  1. would have loved to see all your faces when the meals arrived. glad you had fun.
