Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Road trip!!

Most days off we pile into the van and head down to the city or out on an adventure/road trip! We live up in the mountains so its a pretty sweet drive and there is a damn at the bottom of it that generates all the electricity for Tokyo. Sometimes instead of the road going around the mountain, its goes right through it!  check it out...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Things I'm starting to take for granted

I was going to write blogs on these things, but now they just seem normal…

a)      The sulphur smell that is everywhere… aka rotten eggs. We live beside a onsen (natural outdoor hot spring bath) and it’s famous for the amount of sulphur that in the water.On windy days our house smell soooo bad! I used to think the whole town smelt.. now I’m use to it. Apparently, when people from the village go to down into the city, others can smell them because sulphur just seeps from their (our) pores… fantastic!

b)      The size of the vehicles. At first I felt like I was living in Lego land because all the vehicles are miniaturized and compact. The real small ones have a yellow licence plates which someone told me meant they have the same size engine as a scooter, I found out later that that was a lie but they do have a very small engine and have cheaper insurance.  I used to go around taking pictures of them so I could write a blog on it… now I’m use to it and a full size vehicle looks awkward.

c)       Everyday things done with Asian flare, like our neighbour snow blowing his driveway.

d)      Mayonnaise on everything!  Well not everything but it does seems to be a very common ingredient.

e)      Hazard/construction signs that are more of a distraction. I often find myself in a daze, staring at all the lights and crazy signs instead of watching the road… danger!

f)       Wax replicas and pictures menus.  Most restaurants have a glass case with wax replicas of all the meals they serve, so you can decide what you’d like to eat. Sometimes they look soo real and very appetizing but other times they are covered with a layer of dust and you start to question why you decided to eat there.

g)      Dust masks. I think 90% of the people in Asia wear these. Heck, I just wear one to hide my ridiculous goggle tan!